Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
10.22.2021 (1240 days ago)


1240 days ago 29 comments Categories: Games;Games Tags:

No kidding, I’m suffering from a severe case of withdrawal.  Withdrawal? 

Yes, withdrawal from Yankee Baseball!

It’s just not normal for a man of my age to harbor such a boy’s Fanaticism (Fan is short for that) and Hero Worship.  

Fanaticism for the 2021 disappointing and dysfunctional Yankees, whose season was best described by (soon to be signed long term and appointed Captain) Aaron Judge as a “roller coaster”.  

Hero Worship for the very same #99 who I can not take my eyes off when he’s at bat making my heart beat faster!

It’s just not normal, but I love it and I count the days until Spring Training and Pitchers and Catchers.  

It’s just not normal, yet it fuels me in my quest to be Forever Young!  

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