Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
04.16.2022 (1023 days ago)


1023 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I enjoy creating context. When presenting, I often do that so the audience can be aligned with a proper perspective before diving into a topic.


That is truly what can be said about last Thursday night's Gotham wine tasting (#2). I missed the first and was really happy I could make the second and it didn't disappoint. Quite the opposite. All of us on the "Zoom Wine Tasting" were treated to a deep understanding of the three wines we tasted (pictured on the right). Paul Napolitano and David Abeshouse, Gotham's resident sommeliers, chose three distinct reds with complex notes and tastes. They created context for all of the wines, which I love, that allowed me to focus and pay attention to the wine when I tasted them rather than gulp and go :)


Hat's off to DJA and PN...they were very impressive and obviously approached the evening prepared with tons of information and a thoughtful selection. It was a fantastic learning experience that has me wanting more. 


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