3331 days ago
Categories: Lifestyle
It came up in a discussion. What are the seven wonders of the world? There are many lists and arguments to be had. First, there's the ancient wonders:
- The Great Pyramid of Egypt
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
- The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
- The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
- The Colossus of Rhodes
- The Lighthouse of Alexandria
Then the seven wonders of the modern world:
- Channel Tunnel
- CN Tower
- Empire State Building
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Itaipu Dam
- Panama Canal
- Netherlands North Sea Protection Works
Then, of course, there are my wonders of the world (in no particular order)
- A NY bagel (can't be duplicated anywhere else)
- Grand Central Station (c'mon...it's amazing to be in there)
- Planes (it's still incredible to me that tons of steel can fly)
- NY Subway system (it's a wonder it still works:)
- Pitted olives with pimentos (how do they get those in there?)
- Niagra Falls (it's unbeliveably powerful when you stand next to them)
- Smart phones (who knew we have the power of a roomful of computers in the palm of our hands)