Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.21.2020 (1662 days ago)


1662 days ago 24 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

I came up when Mayor LaGuardia read the comics on the radio, before TV test patterns and Uncle Miltie and listened in on a telephone Party Line.

So a lot of communication progress has occurred in my life span, but I was never so much in the dark as I have been since the August 4th storm.

First we lost power and we soldiered through it, but the nasty tail end is the continuing lack of Optimum internet and WiFi.  Yes, inexplicably, we regained cable, but not internet or WiFi.

Could Optimum and previous owner Madison Square Garden know I recently canceled my nearly 50 year Knick season tickets?

Whatever the reason, I am angry, in the dark and under water without my internet and WiFi!

I used to be up to date and a communicator :(

You can talk Hot Spot, Tic Tok or Zoom, but I’m just still in the dark, silenced.

I may have to buy a drum!

This unhappy situation gives new meaning to WiFi: Why is Fred incensed?

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