Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.12.2022 (946 days ago)

Why Pay?

Why Pay?
946 days ago 18 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

How much do you pay for your telephone phone bill?

Forget about throwback landlines, just your cell phone service plan?

I am the arch Luddite, so for me to stumble upon this cost free convenience on the Down-low means that virtually everyone is already in the know!

Know what?

There are a variety of FREE telephone services available to all of us which we should all be using, unless I’m missing something.  

I just telephoned a high school friend in Portugal through Facebook.  Remember “Long Distance calling”?

He sounded like he was next door and we caught up leisurely.

I used Facebook, but I had the WhatsApp option.  And I’m sure the cognoscenti know more.  

It really is a World Wide Web!

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