11.02.2020 (1539 days ago)

Who Gets Your Candy Vote?

Who Gets Your Candy Vote?
1539 days ago 8 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

This past Saturday Mitch posted about Halloween. He had mentioned that he had not yet bought candy. Given the current circumstances, I can understand why he waited. As a candy lover, however, I always am very well stocked several weeks before Halloween. This year was no exception.


Every year the struggle with purchasing candy is always the same; do I buy what I like and risk eating the leftovers, if any? Or do I buy what I do not like and happily give away any leftovers? Essentially the struggle, for me, is between chocolate and anything else.



This year I lost my internal battle and bought the chocolate. My absolute favorite is the miniature Snickers. I find Snickers to be perfect combination of creamy chocolate, nougart, and caramel with the right amount of nuts for crunch. And, over the weekend, I ate quite a bit of Snickers. Maybe next year, I'll choose differently.


What is your favorite Halloween candy?



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