11.26.2014 (3757 days ago)

Who Are The Real Culprits?

Who Are The Real Culprits?
3757 days ago 19 comments Categories: Health Tags:

The verdict is out and the protests and rioting have begun.  Any objective opinion understands that not only is it right not to charge Darren Wllson with a crime, but that he actually acted appropriately under the circumstances.



It's easy to dislike Michael Brown, clearly a violent criminal.  However, I truly feel bad for many of the protesters not just in Ferguson, but around the country.  The question really shouldn't be about training cops or about their judgement.  The question should be, who was repsonsible for letting people defending Brown commit themselves emotionally to getting an indictment when the odds of one coming were unlikely at best.



Obviously the media and "Community leaders" hold their share of responsibility for this mess, but should there be some responsibilty attibuted to those who are on the side of the police who allowed and perhaps propogated this dispute, in order to win a slam dunk case at the end of the day.  They released info on the case slowly and through selected venues, allowing many who have experienced excessive racism in their lifetime to champion this cause without knowing what the truth was.  They let them sink their teeth into a cause that they could not win.



The great Mayor Giuliani called them racial arsonists and he correctly referred to how happy they undoubtedly were at the resulting riots.  A sad but true story.

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