Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.29.2022 (1020 days ago)

Who Am I?

Who Am I?
1020 days ago 25 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Residing at the southern most point of the continental USA I am constantly confronted by the unaccustomed south land salutation of SIR. 

I hear it all the time and I look around and discern that it is directed at me. When I question why SIR I am told it is an expression of respect (to an older man). 

Well you can imagine how that sits with me!

Then out out of nowhere someone changes it up and throws BOSS at me. 

It’s all very confusing. Just call me Fred (or Derf) :)

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When lawyers appearing before me they occasionally ask how they should "address" me - Mr. Arbitrator, Your Honor or Mr. Zigman,

I look them straight in the eye and I respond with a wink - "Your highness sounds good to me!" And they get it and smile.

One of my 90 year old pals always reminds people: "NEVER TOO BIG!" to demonstrate that we are all ONE. Just like the ageless lovable Fredeeee!

Posted By : Lou Zigman