"Please silence your cellphones." An often-repeated admonition that has become part of our everyday lives. Sometimes heeded, sometimes not.
So, heeding the advice, and, more significantly, wanting to enjoy a romantic anniversary dinner, Flo and I silenced our phones and tucked them out of sight.
About an hour later, when we were brought dessert with a candle -- the restaurant knew it was our anniversary-- I took out my phone to take a picture. I noticed over a dozen unopened text messages.
"What a lovely family!" was from Jeremy's mother-in-law (our in-law).
Then I saw "It's a girl!" from daughter/aunt Mea.
Then I saw Jeremy's text with a picture of a very newborn.
I turned my phone around and showed Flo the picture. "They have a girl."
The baby wasn't "due" for another week. In what was one of the quickest labors and deliveries in recorded history - without even enough time to tell anyone they were on there way to the hospital- Stephanie and Jeremy brought baby Sophie into the family.
And it all happened while our phones were silenced.
Posted By : hydrajet