Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.19.2016 (3092 days ago)

Where Did All The Drivers Go?

Where Did All The Drivers Go?
3092 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


The US government yesterday issued some go ahead regulations that should pave the way for a new phenomenon to take off -- driverless cars.



Think about all of the scenarios where that could come in handy. Kind of like having your own chauffeur. The picture of a passenger sitting in the back seat with no one in the front is kind of like a scene from a science fiction movie, or a Twilight Zone episode, but it is slowly becoming a reality.



Personally I am not ready to be a passenger without a driver. The concept just feels risky to me. There is a whole lot of working out the kinks that will be necessary before I will get into that car.


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