Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
03.14.2018 (2539 days ago)

Whats the Question?

Whats the Question?
2539 days ago 7 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

I like the TV show Jeopardy.

Not because of Alex Trebeck, because it can be so satisfying to answer the questions (is it question the answers?) before the contestants chime in. I also learn some interesting things. And, of course, that music.



From Wiki:

The best-known theme song on Jeopardy! is "Think!", originally composed by Griffin under the title "A Time for Tony", as a lullaby for his son. "Think!" has always been used for the 30-second period in Final Jeopardy! when the contestants write down their responses, and since the syndicated version debuted in 1984, a rendition of that tune has been used as the main theme song. "Think!" has become so popular that it has been used in many different contexts, from sporting events to weddings. Griffin estimated that the use of "Think!" had earned him royalties of over $80 million throughout his lifetime.


Lets all start writing lullabies.


Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. - Langston Hughes

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