Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
09.04.2022 (903 days ago)

What's wrong with communicating correctly

What's wrong with communicating correctly
903 days ago 4 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:twitter

Sometime after this commentary get posted to our Gotham Network's listserve, I compose a tweet and post it to twitter.  I do not like typos and unlike with Facebook, no current capability exists for twitter users to edit their tweets. Apparently, that may change.  Already the social media platform is testing an edit function with its employees and will soon allow small universe to users get in on the action thereafter.  I for one look forward to that capability.  I will correct a Facebook post wether it involved a typo or missing word.  Accuracy matters to me.  

These days, if I find an error in my tweet, my only option is to delete the tweet and post a corrected one.  I am not shy about doing that but when the topic of the tweet attracts quick attention, retweets, and likes, it might mess up the messaging opportunities when folks react to the message in real time.

Twitter's reported change involved a 30-minute change to correct.  There seems to e some concern about radical change in a message's content after others like and retweet it.  I respect that but I do not believe something that sinister is likely and anyone who does sp risks getting called out for the wrongful act and, perhaps worse, a loss of credibility.

Do you bother to correct any errors you make on social media posts?  If you use twitter, are you among the apparent masses who call for the much-needed edit button?

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