03.02.2020 (1834 days ago)

What's Your Why?

What's Your Why?
1834 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


Often in Weight Watchers (“WW”) we talk about our “why.” Why do we show up every Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m., when we can be sleeping? Is it just to be healthy for ourselves? Is it to be able to run on the beach with your grandchildren? An examination of my “why” is a significant part of my WW journey.


I have come to realize that examination of my “why” extends to many other facets of my life. Many of you know that I began my career as a commercial litigator. I switched to matrimonial law after going through my own divorce and custody battle. The basic reason for my career change was simple, I was shocked by how little of the process was explained to me and, therefore, how little I understood the choices I was forced to make. In changing my career, my “why” was to make sure my clients did not go through the process blindly like I had; that they understood the process every step of the way and made informed decisions.


This week I was forced to remember my “why.” I had a client who just not understanding what I was trying to explain to her. My obvious frustration with her grew apparent in my tone of voice. While I was in mid-sentence my “why” came to my mind. I immediately changed my tone and explained the concept to her in a different way. She was then able to grasp the idea and make the choice that was right for her and her children.


What’s your “why?”


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