11.13.2013 (4134 days ago)

What's The Fuss

What's The Fuss
4134 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I don't mean this to be argumentative (not that I ever would, lol) but I hear continuously about the "Core Curriculum" controversy that is exploding throughout the social media world.  I have to admit that I don't have an opinion on it and I really don't understnad it.  My son is in 6th grade, his first year in Middle School, and I don't notice any significant differences.  I hear many blaming this on Barack Obama and I feel like I am missing out (just kidding).


There are stories all over about how it is emotionally destroying kids and they are being left in tears.  Parents are telling people that they just send their kids in without their homework being done if it takes too long and somehow they are boasting about that.


Anybody have an informed opinion on this?  Anybosy care to shed some perspective.

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