04.01.2024 (329 days ago)

What's Old is New Again

What's Old is New Again
329 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My husband and I were looking for a “new” television show for us to begin watching. As we scanned through Netflix, HBO Max, Paramount Plus etc, we came across a television show, “Under the Dome.”  


The premise of the show is that an invisible dome suddenly enclosed a New England town. The show was produced by Steven Spielberg and Stephen King. As we are both science fiction fans-and I am a Stephen King fan-my husband and I decided to try it. We both liked it and are now bingeing it.


I am writing about this show because it was first broadcast on network television in 2013, over ten years ago. I have never heard of it before we had arbitrarily found it this week  while skimming through Paramount Plus. I mentioned the show during lunch in the office and a colleague told me that they were first now discovering the television show. “Suits.”


One of the advantages of streaming services seems to be the ability to discover that which you have not watched in the past. During the pandemic many of us found  and delighted in “Schitt’s Creek.”  “Schitt’s Creek gained enormous popularity streaming during the pandemic five years after it was first broadcast on network television, Pop TV in the United States.


Have you found a past gem that you’re currently watching?



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