
What people?

What people?
46 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:scheduling, technology, convenience,

“Have your people call my people” – one of those catch phrases that I’ve heard over the years and never paid much attention to until recently when I noticed that there are no  “people”. 


The “people” have been replaced by scheduling apps. I am intentional when it comes to my calendar – perhaps it’s a control thing - but I also appreciate the many ways that technology can work to save time and streamline processes. 


So, I tried using a scheduling app and found that it didn’t afford the flexibility I need. It also took away a touch point of human connection that I like. Every conversation is an opportunity to enhance a relationship. 


I wonder if the increased use of virtual assistants means that others feel the same way – humans are not always easy to replace. If that’s not the case, then perhaps the catch phrase will morph into “I’ll have my bot ping your bot.” 


What’s your experience with these scheduling apps?


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