Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
12.10.2022 (795 days ago)

What now

What now
795 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Tuesday I was in a bowling alley with Sparks (the group of learning disabled that I work with) and had the chance to observe several groups of 21 year olds. True GenZ's. 


Almost everything they were doing was with their smartphone in their hand. Talking, eating, walking but, thankfully, not while they bowled. I wondered if we will ever divorce ourselves from this device for is it part of who we are as a species and will be into the future.


One pundit I was listening to said elements of the present day smart phone will be a physical part of us in the future. We will no longer have to dial or speak to a device...just think it and it will happen.

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