Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
06.13.2015 (3547 days ago)

What now?

What now?
3547 days ago 11 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Do you brace yourself before stepping into a doctor's office? I do. Just about everytime I see a doctor now there's some kind of bad news. I've developed a kind of "what now?" attitude. It's my defense mechanism, preparing for whatever is going to happen. This week, however, I received a piece of good news...finally!


Thinking about it, I have a relatively pragmatic approach..."Okay, what do we do about it and when can we get it done." It seems most doctors appreciate the approach.


One thing I've found which, I believe, is helping my body get back to some kind of homeostasis is making sure all of the key doctors are talking to each other. It's interesting that most don't.


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