12.12.2013 (4105 days ago)

What is Art?

What is Art?
4105 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We were in Miami last weekend for Art Miami and got to visit the new Perez Art Museum which opened last Wednesday. If you're in Miami, don't miss the Museum.


And try to get there while the "Ai Weiwei- According to What?" exhibit is on. At a time when we contemplate the life of Nelson Mandela, the art of this Chinese dissident/artist is especially compelling.


As I walked through the exhibit, the question "What is art?" kept repeating in my mind. The Bowls of Pearls, Maze of Bicycle Wheels and Field of Rebars -- to name a few -- although certainly not traditional art -- evoked the interaction in me that, for me, defines art.


I was equally captivated (and troubled) by a thousands of years old vase that the artist painted a "Coca-Cola" logo on, and 16 Han Dynasty Vases that he dipped in industrial paints. But those vases faired better than the Han Dynasty Urn that he dropped -- capturing the event in photographs. The catalog notes that he "captures the moment when tradition is transformed and challenged by new values."


What is "art"? One stop on the journey for an answer would be the Perez Art Museum of Miami.

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