Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
03.19.2012 (4737 days ago)

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?
4737 days ago 0 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

I was driving to the train station last week listening to a talk show. The topic was the following.   

A mother complained that her 9 year daughter, an avid girl scout, worked hard to sell the most cookies in her troop.  Every year, she and her mom went door to door and for several weeks, set up a cookie sale outside their supermarket.  Every year, however, she was outsold by a friend in the troop whose mom worked at a big company and brought the sheet to work where everyone in the mom's department signed up for a box or two.  The girl proudly reported her success back to the troop year after year and took home the prize for most boxes sold.

This mother questioned whether to say anything to the other girl's mother. 

What would you do?

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