Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
05.06.2020 (1778 days ago)

What Will Remain?

What Will Remain?
1778 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A colleague posed a question to me yesterday, looking both to express himself, and to seek connection. “Do you still have that general sense of malaise this week?” I applauded his bravery in allowing himself to exist and explore the generally unexciting place occupying his mind. Without hesitation, I encouraged him not to “fake it”, but to speak openly with clients, colleagues, friends and family. Chances are, they feel it too. Maybe even a new sense of reality that may feel strangely, comfortable? Being grounded in stillness, without the unnecessary hustle, bears an undeniable truthfulness that presents the question of what improvements will remain, as part of your behaviors? Has something shifted that better aligns with what resonates? For me? Quality over Quantity. Applied to everything. Dare I say, balance? I hope the “balance” remains. How about you?

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