12.08.2013 (4060 days ago)

What Lies Beneath

What Lies Beneath
4060 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

The title of the article is "What Lies Beneath."  The subheading reads "after years of razors, wax and lasers reducing pubic hair to the bare minimum - or nothing at all - there's a return to a more natural state."  I read on.


Interestingly, the story goes, Marilyn Monroe had a "bountiful crop" which she bleached platinum to match her hair color.  In the famous  photo of her over the subway grate, her panties had to be airbrushed to smooth out the unmistakable texture visible beneath her skirt.  There is some trivia you probably never knew.


The article summarizes the history of this matter, from ample growth to landing strips to Brazilian.   There appears to be more a return to nature these days, the author says.


While this may or may not prove interesting, the point of this topic is that the article referred to is not in Playboy, or Penthouse, or Cosmo.  It is the New York Times.   Trends on female public hair is now part of "All the News That's  Fit To Print."  Maybe we should find out what men are doing about this as well.


As the saying goes, you've come a long way baby.

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