Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
02.10.2021 (1495 days ago)

What Is Top of Mind & Body?

What Is Top of Mind & Body?
1495 days ago 7 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Recently, I’ve been studying the power of raw foods and their affects on the human body. The Cure for Arthritis, by S.H. Shepherd has me sharpening my understanding of how the human body works in relationship to food, water and a healthy sun shower. Truthfully, it all started because I wanted the pain in my hip to go away, so I could gain 30 extra yards on my golf drive, thereby beating all the guys off the tee, and hustling money on the fairways. By the end of January, I had eliminated dairy, red meat and chicken. I hired a personal trainer (A tough Russian girl named Lana) and the pain in my hip is down to a soft whisper. Lot’s of planks and Russian twists. This month, apple cider vinegar and distilled water to create a happy Ph, while self-cleaning takes place in my joints. The best part? YES! 30 extra yards showed up in my game in Florida, at the end of January. I beat the guys on most of my drives and hustled $$$ on closest to the 150 yard zebra pin. My average drive improved by 30 yards. Clean off the tee, landing at 180 yards, with 30-40 yards in roll. What has been Top-of-Mind for your health?

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