Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
06.20.2020 (1720 days ago)

What I missed

What I missed
1720 days ago 15 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My office has been back up and running for over a week now. It's feels somewhat normal because we are all there...of course with appropriate physical distancing, masks, wipes, sanitizer and a cool looking sign on our front door stating you must wear a mask when entering.


I missed the interaction, impromptu meetings between staff to discuss marketing issues The colloboration is priceless. Although, it is wierd to to have a company meeting on Zoom while we are all in the office.


The "normalcy" even extended beyond the office when I drove home. I encountered rush hour traffic...yes, the stress inducing reason why we are prescribed blood pressure pills.  This I did did not miss.

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