Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
04.29.2020 (1786 days ago)

What Have I Done?

What Have I Done?
1786 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It started as a small project. My desire was to put together a gift for my son. A sweetly arranged photo album of fond memories of his first 21 years. Of course, I’ve already done his customary baby album, but I stopped at about 7 years old. When would I get the time to actually focus on this project again? Into the basement, I went. I located the bin of arranged photos, separated by age, activity, and school. I slowly unpacked the photos and began the trip down memory lane. Do you know this trip? A photo jogs a memory and then you find yourself in that moment in time. Then another, then another. Hours later and I now have a floor full of 45 years of life, laid in front of me. Pictures of friends, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, old boyfriends. Prom pictures, bonfire pictures, parties, and adventures!! I need to buy about 10 more photo books. How do you throw away pictures of babies and loved ones? Duplicates made their way to the trash, thankfully. See the picture of my study to the left! Organized chaos. What projects did you go after during this quarantine , that you never thought you’d get to?

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