Last week I wrote about my most poignant Christmas memory, it involved my mother giving and then taking away a prized toy top on Christmas Day when I was a little boy.
I wrote the blog from the heart and was surprised by how much credit my mom received for inspiring the birth of Gotham when she whispered to me "It's better to give than receive."
What surprised me even more was the heartening gesture of my neighbors (the Levines) of gifting me a facsimile of that long ago lost, but not forgotten, top. Words can hardly describe my appreciation.
What's more, two days ago, on Christmas Day, I opened my presents and, can you believe, there were 4 additional tops. This time from my wife Joanne and other gift givers who prefer anonymity.
All this remembering and gifting had my head (and new tops) spinning.
Truly, what goes around comes around and around and around...
Posted By : Virginia M Ziccardi