10.03.2019 (1982 days ago)

What Goes Around....

What Goes Around....
1982 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

What goes around comes around — whether you know it or not.

A few years ago I assisted a client of mine in resolving and terminating a long-standing business relationship. The attorney on the other side was a bit more aggressive than may have beennecessary under the circumstances — a point that was not lost on my client.

A few weeks ago that same attorney called me asking that I reach out to my former client to assist the attorney in a call to a regulatory agency to clear up a point that had surfaced recently but needed my client’s cooperation.

When I reached out to my client, his first comment was to again inquire as to why the other attorney had been so difficult. After some conversation, my client agreed to call the other attorney and cooperate.

Let me add that my client took his time in getting in touch.

What goes around comes around, and the other attorney probably never realized it.

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