
What Are You Worried About?

What Are You Worried About?
578 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:success, business, strategy worrying, behavior,


We all worry from time to time; it’s part of being human. Worrying can prevent us from making poor decisions or stepping into dangerous situations. However, there is a difference between worrying from time to time, and having obsessive thought patterns and limiting beliefs that hold us back in life and business. It's no fun being a worry wart! Been there ... 


There is a theory that worrying becomes a habit because every time we worry and nothing bad happens, our brain makes a connection between the worrying and preventing harm. A connection that doesn't serve us very well at all. 


Feeling worried is the clue phone ringing. When that phone rings, I pick it up and ask myself a series of questions. What's going on? Where's this coming from? What, if anything, can I do about it? Have I been in this spot before? How did I resolve it? You get the picture! 


The key is to identify what is really going on. If I need to take action, I do. If there is nothing I can do, there’s no point giving it any more of my mental energy. Time to move on. 


How do you handle being worried?  


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