03.23.2020 (1810 days ago)

What Are You Doing?

What Are You Doing?
1810 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Mitch shared a great list of possible activities to engage in during this time of quarantine. I would love to share a few of the specific things that my family and I have done.


1. Rearranging my clothes-Since I will not be wearing my “office and court clothes” for at least, six weeks, I rearranged my closet. My casual clothes are now in the front and work wear in the back. I also put aside clothes I haven’t worn in a while for donation. It made me feel like I accomplished a huge task. It also felt like shopping for new clothes without spending the money.



1. Reading a book that’s special to you-I remember when “Harry Potter” was first published. I read it together with my oldest daughter who was, then, six years old. Thinking about that time makes me smile. So, while we are separated by a quarantine, we are both rereading the “Harry Potter” series “together.”




2. Meditating-At several Gotham meetings I attended, Gotham member Jennifer Shapiro-Lee, shared with us the many benefits of meditation. Since that time, I have been meditating, at least, three times a week. In the past two weeks, I have begun meditating daily. It definitely helps alleviate some of the stress that we are all feeling.




3. Exercising-My youngest daughter, who is home with us, downloaded some exercise apps to do at home. You don’t need machines for these exercises, just weights (although heavy books would suffice). We are exercising together, every other day, for about thirty minutes a day. It is definitely bringing us closer, along with the obvious health benefits.




4. A Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange-As I commented on Mitch’s blog on Saturday, my younger daughter and her friends are doing a jigsaw puzzle exchange. Analogous to a Secret Santa, they each have the name of someone to purchase the puzzle for. Then they each went on Amazon and chose a puzzle they believed their friend would like. The name of the purchaser is revealed when the person receives the puzzle and they will be doing their puzzles “together” through Zoom calling.




5. Do Something for a First Responder-My youngest daughter, and her friends, all Venomed money to their friend who is a nurse. They told her to buy herself coffee through this, or a special meal, from them




This what our family is doing to get through this. What about you?





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