Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
08.30.2019 (2010 days ago)

West Coast (Late) Games

West Coast (Late) Games
2010 days ago 24 comments Categories: Games Tags:

I am a life long Baseball fan.  Did you know fan is short for fanatic?

Well fanatic is what I am about this year’s Yankee team (and Aaron Judge, but that’s for another blog)!  They have suffered unprecedented injuries to countless key players and yet the “Next Man Up” has carried them to First Place in the American League and one of the best records in Baseball.  It is unprecedented and they have inspired me to dub them the No Name Monsters!

Anyway, last weekend they played night games on the West Coast which started (after my bedtime) at 10:07.

Try as I may, the best I could do was watch the first inning and for the  first game, once I turned in I slept through the night and woke up to a loss.  Thereafter, I found myself getting up in the night for intervals of score checking. Well, they lost the first 3 in Oakland and I was not optimistic about last Friday night’s game against the National League First Place LA Dodgers who possessed the best record in Baseball.

I got up 4 times in the wee hours of Saturday: 1) Yanks were winning 2-1 and Judge had homered, 2) Yanks winning 8-2, 3) Yanks winning 9-2 and 4) final score 10-2.

I must say it was (California) dreamy!

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