12.04.2014 (3748 days ago)

Well Deserved

Well Deserved
3748 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Let's congratulate Gotham's Networkers of the Year -- Liz Saldana and Larry Sprung and this year’s recipient of the Red Bandana Award -- Cindy Somma.
When someone asks me what the Red Bandana Award is about, I respond that it is our Gotham family's way of recognizing the best fulfillment of our mantra -- “It is better to give than receive...” In short, we recognize a selfless act by a fellow Gothamite.
What could be more selfless than donating a kidney? I remember considering this when Cindy discussed her decision a few years ago while she was waiting for the procedure to be scheduled.
I keep coming back to the soul-searching question of whether I could do what Cindy did? In accepting the award, Cindy answered the question. She asked herself “What if my child needed a kidney?” From that moment, she says, it was an easy decision for her. Thankfully, it wasn’t Cindy’s child. Cindy donated her kidney to someone else’s child. A distinction? Perhaps. A distinction that would give most of us pause.
I admire Cindy. I respect her. She sets quite an example. One that I question being able to follow.
I am happy that her Gotham family has recognized her.

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