Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
04.13.2016 (3239 days ago)

Weird (but wonderful) Networking Tips

Weird (but wonderful) Networking Tips
3239 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Emily Taylor, Tradable Bits, Networking

With the Gotham "How To Get Business" seminar just around the corner, I thought these interesting and unique tips were worth a read.

From Emily Taylor, Digital Marketing Manager at Tradable Bits:

1. Stalk yourself on social media

When was the last time you actually scoured at your own social media profiles? During events, hundreds of people you’re trying to impress will inspect your social profiles to decide if you’re worth a follow-up. So do a deep-clean!

Put up some awesome fresh content, remove anything irrelevant, and really triple-check details like contact information and sneaky (embarrassing!) typos.

2. Wear weird accessories

Networking events tend to be formal, so oftentimes everyone wears a LBD or a plain suit to stay professional. However, wearing an accessory that’s a little out of the ordinary - especially if it has an interesting history - not only makes you memorable, but makes you approachable by giving others an excuse to chat.

The pros say one of the easiest way to spark a conversation with someone is to compliment them ("I like your shoes!"). So if you can go beyond “Oh, thanks” by telling a cool story about your accessory, you've landed a great opportunity to make a lastingvisual impression and a new business connection all at once.

3. Scribble on beautiful business cards

*Cringe*. I know - they're shiny and someone probably put way too much thought into them. But they are the perfect mnemonic notepad. Immediately after you leave a conversation, write notes to yourself about what the person looked like, what you talked about, and what you need to send them in your follow-up email.

No one owns a rolodex anymore and as soon as you add them to your phone, the card's useless. So don't feel bad. You'll feel worse if you forget who they are after a few more cocktails and a long night of networking.

Pro tip: You'll want to carry a thin permanent marker for this. Many people have coated card stock that makes it difficult to deface their perfect self-promoting masterpieces.

4. Sneak away to check your phone

It's easy to get caught up in all the excitement happening in front of you at big events, but do not completely ignore your phone. Timeliness is essential for social media, so waiting until after the event is over can be fatal for budding followers.

Don’t be rude or antisocial when you're on the conference floor, but make sure to sneak away to the bathroom or outside to check your phone every hour. Follow people back, like or comment on their posts and give some social love to people posting with the event hashtag. I promise people will notice!


5. Whisper names as you walk

I know this sounds creepy but if done subtly, it's very effective. Body memory is powerful! As you walk away from a conversation, imagine your new friend's face and say their name in your head (or very quietly to yourself) for the next 10 steps you take. Just make sure you don't get caught talking to yourself!

6. Burn your editorial calendar

Scheduling is essential for social media, but cancel all of your pre-written posts on the day of events. This is your chance to look like an actual human and be spontaneous! Work with what’s in front of you. (Just make sure to spell check!)

When you schedule during events, it is so easy to accidentally post something in bad taste. Plus, there’s nothing worse than undermining your awesome real-time post with some canned article you planned weeks ago posted immediately after.

7. Work every food, drink and bathroom lineup

In our phone-based, anti-social world we've trained ourselves to turn off our brains and stare into our devices in lineups. Instead, look up and smile! Speak to the person in front of you or behind you. Even just asking what they're thinking of ordering or where they're off to next is a great way to spark a conversation.

Some of the biggest connections I've ever made were waiting in line. Whether you're a CEO, celebrity or humble commoner, everyone has to eat eventually. ;)


Thanks, Emily, for your great tips.

Every minute is a moment to connect with another person. I'm certain World Peace is right around the corner.

The richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for work. Marinate on that for a minute. - Robert T. Kiyosaki

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