Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.07.2018 (2378 days ago)

Weather Forecasts

Weather Forecasts
2378 days ago 21 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

I know a lot of people who are addicted to the weather channel and constantly check weather forecasts. Except for softball season when I fear rain outs and tomorrow when the Gotham picnic is scheduled, I ignore the weather forecast.

Early in the week rain was forecast and some panicked, but I adopted a wait and see attitude.

In my limited experience, I have found that the forecast can be wrong and subject to change. This is sometimes a good thing and sometimes it is a bad thing. Here’s hoping tomorrow’s fair weather forecast is right.

One thing I know for sure, rain or shine, we will have the picnic as there is cover.  Come one come all and enjoy!

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