Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
07.30.2018 (2413 days ago)

We're Packing Again

We're Packing Again
2413 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


We are doing it again. Packing to send a child off to college.



This time its my son and a completely different experience.



When we moved my daughter in to school – each of four years – it was a three day process. Freshman year there were actually ceremonies that the parents attended but after that, it was about shopping and putting furniture together, space planning and decorating.



So now we are getting ready to do it again but at a different school. I called admissions and asked – how many nights should we need a hotel room for move in? Two? Reaction – silence at the other end – then, “I actually don’t think you need a hotel room at all”. When I asked what the second day activities were, I actually heard a little chuckle.



We aren’t used to this speed for a move in process. Any suggestions from those of you who have been through this for a quick and efficient move in?


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