Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.13.2022 (818 days ago)

We're Back

We're Back
818 days ago 16 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Over the course of a few days, LI Women had its first in person meeting since 2020 and Gotham had a fabulous cocktails evening in NYC to celebrate the holidays.


There is something in the air (although hopefully not COVD, the flu or RSV). 


I could not have been more charged up than I was leaving the LI Women’s meeting.  (Thank you to Marie Elena Puma and Vincent Russo for hosting!)  It felt like it did in 2019 – great energy, genuine connecting and so much good humor.  Throw in a little shopping (thank you Flo), and it just felt good.


A few days later, I walked into the Ivory Peacock to be greeted by the happiest, joyful and giving group of Gothamites I have had the pleasure to hang out a bar with in, well, three years.  Kudos to Paula Oleska for envisioning our evening at this venue, and to Paula, Crysti Farra and of course, Rosalia for making that vision come true.


Friends, I don’t know what is coming next. I am hoping that what we are seeing in viruses will not slow down our 2023 pace.  Here is what I do know.  Gotham knows how to pivot.  We did what was needed to stay together and support each other through a pandemic – and we will do what we need to keep our special brand of connecting alive and well.


See you at Long Island cocktails tonight!


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