Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.05.2017 (2923 days ago)

We lost two giants

We lost two giants
2923 days ago 5 comments Categories: Health Tags:Helen Marshall, Helene Zaro

One named Helen, the other Helene. Both giants. Both gone within about a week of the other. You never expect loss. One almost reached Fred’s magic number. The other short by a baker’s dozen. I honored both when they, their families and colleagues could celebrate with them; Helene in 2001 and Helen 10 years later.


Still recall the chat late one December eve with Helen more than 18 years ago in my City Council office across from City Hall. A City Council Member then, she would often stop in my office to chat when I worked late. That one eve we spoke of term limits and what she might do next in 2001. I was already on the verge of joining the Office of the Bronx Borough President; only a few knew. I suggested she consider running for Queens Borough President; she later did; she served a dozen years. At a breakfast in 2003 she told those present I was the first to suggest she run. I re-tweeted a friend’s comments about her with my own comments.


I always appreciated how Helene took an interest in how my family was doing. Few gave — and made a big difference — to their family, their civic community, their religious community, their school community and political community; Helene Zaro did. An article last week included comments I made in an email sharing new of her passing.




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