Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
03.27.2022 (1083 days ago)

We celebrated

We celebrated
1083 days ago 22 comments Categories: Music Tags:Nkeki Obi-Melekwe, Tina Turner

Last week’s commentary noted the milestone Shelly and I had reached during the past week and how we planned to celebrate last night. Our daughter of many talents arranged the parking and dinner reservations (Serafina); Marisa joined us too. (The) Tina (Turner Musical) exceeded expectations. Just outstanding, especially the musical performances. Nkeki Obi-Melekwe channeled the star the portrayed. The songs had all the energy and vibe of a traditional concert. Catch it if you can. Shelly posted on Facebook the playbill (see pic upper left) and a few pics from the special day 37 years ago (See below.).


As mentioned last week, the celebration continues this morning with a nice brunch in support of the Pythian Humanitarian where many good friends will share their company. Family and friends – a nice way to celebrate.

P.S. Only got through just under half (32 of the 66 tunes) on the playlist appropriate to the occasion on the round trip.

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