01.29.2014 (4058 days ago)

We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome
4058 days ago 12 comments Categories: Health Tags:

I distinctly rememberattending an event with my wife.  My wife always loved Joan Baez, while I was always the devout Dylan fan.  I got her tickets to see Joan Baex in the city one time during the early-mid 2000's.  Probably not unpredictably, at one point in the show, Joan Baez went on and on about her feelings against the war.  After the show, my wife confided in me that she thought I was going to get "so mad."  I wasn't exactly shy about my dedicated support for our nation, our troops and our cause in both the wars on terrorism.




I responded to my wife in a manner that was both off the cuff, and still relelvant to this day.  I said to her, "Babe, if Joan Baez isn't going to be against war, then who the hell is.



I carry that thought into listening to the radio tonight in the wake of the passing of the great Pete Seeger.  Mr. Seeger being a devout liberal, and me being a staunch (at least fiscally) the hell would we ever find any commonality.  Then I heard a gentlemen speaking on the radio who knew him both as friends, musicians and as he beong a reporter




God!  I wish I could be a folk singer, a hippie...even a liberal!!!





He discussed how later in life, Pete regretted his earlier support of Stalin and communism  The friend spoke about how the young reporter differentiated strongly about getting energy through fracking.    They spoke about how kind and gernerous he was to many who suffered.  They spoke about the internet and wonderful roles and opportunities for commuinal thoughts and feeling there sere


Whatever you might think of him...he is truly a great American if for nothing else other than his passion.


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