Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
07.29.2016 (3145 days ago)

We All Need Somebody To Love

We All Need Somebody To Love
3145 days ago 23 comments Categories: Dating and Personals Tags:

Tomorrow will be the 50th anniversary of my marriage to my high school sweet heart, Joanne Carol Davidson.  When we got married the war in Vietnam was raging and we did not have a clue.  At best, we had a no plan plan. 

Yes, we had our ups and downs, but somehow we did the right thing, got the breaks, seized opportunities, lived within our means, had a family and built a wonderful life.

And quite a life it has been. We have an expression "Klein luck", but I wonder.  Was a higher being watching over us?

What I do know is we could not have done it without my life partner and moral rudder.

I love you Jo (which means love)!

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