Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
09.15.2017 (2733 days ago)

Waiting For Irma

Waiting For Irma
2733 days ago 24 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

You may know that we have had a house in Paradise (Key West) for 20 years and some have even rented it. 

It is a small house on a nice street with many neighborly people.  Cayce dubbed it the Klein Cottage and may have been our last visitor. 

I am writing this last Sunday morning as Irma is making land fall in Paradise as a Category 4 hurricane with 120 MPH winds and an anticipated accompanying sea surge.  I fear the worst and will know the verdict when you read this. 

We have many friends who defied the entreaties to leave and hunkered down in place to await their fate. 

We are here in the North, so we are safe and we have insurance with ace adjuster Jason Greenberg at the ready to help us, if necessary, to rise from the ashes like Phoenix (Jason's company name).  We will return and rebuild come what may to our Winter haven.

One of the very heartening things that had grown out of our present anxiety is the well spring of prayers, good wishes and expressions of caring humanity that you have extended as we await our fate.

Possessions can be replaced, but the goodness of the human spirit is incomparable. 

Thank you all. We really appreciate you!

P.S.  As of last night, the report from the ground is that Key West was spared, as was our cottage.  Information is limited as there is no power or cell phone service at this time.  Thank you again for your concern.

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