Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.26.2022 (1080 days ago)

Waffle Day

Waffle Day
1080 days ago 18 comments Categories: Food Blogs Tags:

Your intrepid Saturday blogger (it's a tough beat) has found the actual reason why we have International Waffle Day. I know you're on the edge of your seat. From my American consumer perspective, I always thought that this was yet another commercial moment from one our favorite waffle makers but no Padawan, you and I would be wrong.


International Waffle Day, which BTW is celebrated each year on March 25, began in Sweden as a result of a religious holiday's grammatical association with the food.


The holiday's origins are the result of "Varfrudagen," the Swedish word for "Our Lady's Day" (the Feast of the Annunciation, a March 25 Christian celebration of when the Virgin Mary was told she was pregnant), having a similar pronunciation to "Vaffeldagen," which means "Waffle Day."

Who knew?!?

The pronunciation coincidence led to Swedes nicknaming the celebration "Waffle Day," and waffles became a traditional meal for the day. The tradition spread to Norway and Denmark, and in recent years has been observed by restaurants and breakfast food fans around the world.


So now you know. 


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