01.31.2019 (2227 days ago)


2227 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As I write this blog, we anticipate a few days of unusual cold. As you read this, we should be in the throws of the “life-threatening” cold.

The polar vortex is that mass of very cold air that circulates over the Arctic. Usually, it stays in place — over the North Pole. But sometimes, the vortex weakens and when it does, it travels south and invades our continent. I did a little research and, yes, there is evidence that with climate change and warmer temperatures, the weakening of the Polar Vortex, and its descent into North America, may become more common.

Stay warm. Take precautions. Don’t leave things in the car.

And I’ll be thinking of my friends who just left for a trip to Antarctica...and warmer weather.

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