Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
05.27.2020 (1757 days ago)

Virtues and Values

Virtues and Values
1757 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Do you know the difference? Virtues are instilled. They are manifested by what molds and shapes us; usually character building opportunities produce virtues. Typically, virtues are taught by our parents, teachers, coaches, and the like. From the time we are wee boys and girls, these important people shape the virtues we become, from the inside out. Our values are what we claim. Words that define what we believe in social settings. They help us connect with other like-minded individuals. Values are the “tell”, Virtues are the “show”, if you will. I posed the question to myself when contemplating why some friendships come easier and some don’t even get off the ground. Maybe good ol’ chemistry or is it something more? Do virtues play a part in our selection process? Do virtues matter to you? Fred posted a few pictures recently that stirred the thought of reflection and virtues. If you haven’t seen them yet, he’s captured a picture of someone AND their reflection in the water. What virtues do you look for in others? Are you consciously aware of virtues or what they look like? What virtues might you see in yourself? Do tell, I’m interested.

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