02.27.2023 (728 days ago)

Virtual One On One

Virtual One On One
728 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I could tell you a lot about the professional lives of the Gotham members that I know, their profession, how they came to it etc. Unless I have sat down with them, however, and did a one-on-one (which I highly recommend) I do not know much more about them aside from their professional life.


So, let’s do a virtual one on one here. I would love to hear something about your private life that we usually do not share at Gotham meetings. I’ll go first.


I am an avid science fiction fan. When I tell people that I always am quick to add that I am not a radical fan, i.e. I do not attend Star Trek conventions etc. I’m unsure why I need to add that, but I always do.


I love a good science fiction television series or movie. I just rediscovered The Orville on Disney Plus. I stopped watching it after the first season and I am enjoying binging my way through seasons two and three.


I also love a good  science fiction novel. One of the best I have ever read-and probably the longest-was Seveneves by Neal Stephenson. I found it on President Obama’s annual best book list. It was daunting to read due to its length but I loved it.


Your turn. Tell me something about you that I don’t know.

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