Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

Very chilling

Very chilling
46 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Mets, Steve Cohen, Davis Stearns, Pete Alonso, Citi Field

While bitter cold weather might predominate many current discussions, some other kind of polar entity captures much of my attention of late.  A polar bear, of the sports variety, namely the one my team needs to re-sign, but cannot figure out how to achieve what needs to be done.  Yes, I want the Mets to re-sign Pete Alonso: indeed, I am not the owner or the team president, but always maintain as a strategic tactician, I judge talent rather well and better than most. And I just wish those two accomplished folk at the top of the Mets hierarchy, namely Steve Cohen and David Stearns, find a way to get it done. I watched, listened to, and read clips of their comments yesterday at Citi Field.  It appears they undervalue the value of Pete Alonso to this team.  Sometimes folks get penny-wise and dollar-foolish and I find  this case with the Mets.Team chemistry matters and that may require getting smarter and just getting this homegrown player signed.  Meantime, the absence of Alonso on my fave team chills me.


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