Just recently, a woman I greatly admire - successful in business, family & spiritually-posted this quote on Facebook:
"The woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared person on the planet." - Mohadesa Najumi
Heavy stuff, but its Weds, so we can handle it.
I am happy to say that as I get older, I care less and less what people think. I'm on my path and I know the way.
However, sometimes, every one of us can use a little reality check, so I surround myself with people whom I can trust to tell me their truth, not always my truth, but an honest, unmanipulative point of view.
It's invaluable.
So perhaps, I do, on occasion, require validation, but clear, open, untainted ideas, not random opinions of every trend, media outlet, acquaintance, and world leader.
I am intoxicated with the idea of being the "most feared person on the planet," because that is so far from what I am, and, though it sounds powerful, it would be a lonely place to live.
This is a bigger problem for women. As Najumi writes, "in a world where 1 in 3 women are victims of physical or sexual violence, 53% of young girls feel unhappy with their bodies and 65% have eating disorders, women suffer the greatest amount of insecurity, low self-esteem and a general lack of confidence."
So lets all take some time today to encourage any females you have in your journey, to trust their own core and not need to run with the pack.
"The best thing we can do is be comfortable and happy in our skin and in this way no industry, system or group of people can subvert our energies or try to break us down." Thanks, Mohadesa, that goes for everybody.
Posted By : hydrajet