Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
01.29.2021 (1508 days ago)

Vaccine Mania

Vaccine Mania
1508 days ago 24 comments Categories: Health Tags:

Joanne and I are above the 65 year old threshold to qualify for an appointment to get The Shot.  

We are on an appointment list and I’ve been on a vaccination appointment website twice too early in the morning to get on another list and I just called a special number to get on still another list.  I even complained to the Mayor!

So, despite our better level headed instincts, we have been sucked into the vortex of the Vaccine Mania which is abroad in the land. 

If you have antibodies or have been vaccinated you can stop and read no more, as you are “immune.”

In my mind I know that our time will come, but then I am swept along by others striving for immunity.  

I don’t know what is worse, fear of catching Covid or Vaccine Mania!

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MA opened up this past Wed (1/27) for appointments that would began next Monday 2/1. The State had totally failed to indicate a "post Time" This past Tuesday (1/26) at the stroke of midnight my much younger army of "fast typers" and "quick thinkers" attacker the CVS site specially. I believed their national experience and regional warehousing made them the most likely to have their act together. We got lucky on our first attempt. Every CVS in the state was closed down by 1:00 AM. My "1st dose apptmt is this Wednesday (2/3) - the 2nd appt is 2/24. Subsequently the entire over 75 population who had been shut out or uninformed expressed their very vocal disagreement with the procedure. It may, or may not, be rethought. MA is one of the worst states in the country in their "in the arm Vaccine delivery".

Posted By : Stug Ray