Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
03.19.2021 (1458 days ago)


1458 days ago 33 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

VaccinationWe did not cut the line(a subject for another day) and Joanne and I received our second Moderna vaccination on March 7th and we are patiently waiting out the safe harbor, post shot period before re-emerging and being out and about!

Thank you Dr. Carla Fry, your nursing student cadre and The College Of The Florida Keys for stepping up in the vaccination roll out!

The timing was perfect prelude to  the celebration of my March 30th (maskless) birthday!

So much has happened in the year of the Covid Pandemic and we survived.  For that we are eternally grateful!

Much has changed, possibly forever, as a consequence, but I for one will welcome the return to the time honored ritual of symbolic, enthusiastic hand shaking.  Do you remember the last person’s hand you shook? Mine was that of my Mate Andrew Ambrose.  I miss it and him!

Different people had varied post shot reactions.  My first was negligible, but my second was not so easy on the headaches. 

I even kept a vaccination diary (bandaids and all). 

My anecdotal research finds that women had tougher reactions than men.  My theory is that, of course, the same dose to a 110 pound woman will pack a greater wallop than to a 210 pound male.  

Last, but far from least, I will always remember the anxiety, the relentless frantic efforts to get signed up and the then shots.  Most of all, I will remember receiving, against all odds, the second shot (pictured) from close friend Dr. David Berger!

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