Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
01.08.2021 (1528 days ago)

Vaccination Marks

Vaccination Marks
1528 days ago 22 comments Categories: Health Tags:


Did you ever notice a circular scar on someone’s arm or leg? 

When I was young such scars were visible and 
common due to the mid 20th century need for smallpox vaccinations.

To my knowledge such scars are not caused by a coronavirus vaccination. 

I am one of the people who seeks to be vaccinated. I just got on a vaccination list and can’t wait for my turn to come up.  

Even if my vaccination causes a small scar it is a very small price to pay on the road to herd immunity!


P.S. Until then, please wear a mask!

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