09.03.2015 (3476 days ago)

Vacation Friends

Vacation Friends
3476 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A few days before leaving for our annual visit to Martha’s Vineyard last week, I received a voice message from Steve and Kim.

We've been visiting the Vineyard for many years. We stay at the Outermost Inn in Aquinnah and are there at the same time every year. So are Steve and Kim. We were looking forward to seeing them again this year and I was pleasantly surprised that they reached out to us in advance to make plans for a dinner together.

One of the wonderful things about the Outermost is the people -- the proprietors, the staff and the guests. Steve and Kim fit right in.

There is something special about vacation friends, especially at the Outermost. (Have I told you that I love going back to familiar places? Far and away the best place to relax.) Vacation friends are part of the warmth and comfort of returning to familiar places. And there is something unique about catching up with vacation friends - like you never lost touch. (And a great test of memory to remember childrens’ names and what they were doing last year.)

Dinner? We had an amazing dinner on the porch at Outermost and talked for hours over food and drink. It's a good thing we didn't have to drive.

Steve and Kim live north of Boston and we talked about seeing them if we're up in Beantown. For sure, we'll see them next August at the Outermost

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